135: Evergreen Mindfulness

On this episode we’ll imagine being evergreen trees as we practice thinking warm thoughts when the world feels cold. 🌲

Episode Notes

Like You is listener supported. You can support the show by subscribing on Apple Podcasts or becoming a patron on Patreon. You can also support the show by shopping in our online store or purchasing songs from the show on our Bandcamp page.

Please send us a voice memo, drawing, or letter at hello@likeyoupodcast.com. We play a voice memos from listeners either at the beginning of an episode or during the affirmation segment of the episode. If your child wants to be included, record a voice memo and send it to us. Your child can introduce themself and then say a favorite affirmation, sing a line from a Like You song, say what they like about the show, or share whatever they feel! Keep it short (10-20 seconds). For more info on how to record and send a voice memo, see this post, or click here.

Like You is a production of Perpetual Motion. The show is written and produced by Noah Glenn. The show’s artwork was illustrated by Mia Saine. Episode art is created by Lindsey Glenn.

This episode features original music by Noah Glenn. 

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Hey everyone! I’m so glad to be your podcast friend. Listener support is what makes this podcast possible. When you sign up for a Like You Subscription you gain access to special bonus content, like bite-sized Affirmation episodes, music, and other special perks. Please consider supporting the show by subscribing through Apple Podcasts or Patreon. Find more information in our episode notes. Thanks! And here’s today’s show.

[intro music]

Noah: Hello! I’m Noah and this is Like You: Mindfulness for Kids. I’m very glad you’re here. On this episode we’ll imagine being evergreen trees as we practice thinking warm thoughts when the world feels cold. So listeners of all ages, find a place to listen where you feel comfortable and safe. As I ask questions and invite you to say affirmations, you’re welcome to speak out loud, or as always, you can just think your responses quietly in your mind.

Today’s mindfulness lessons all relate to evergreen trees. What’s an evergreen tree? It’s quite simply a tree that stays green all year round, even in the fall and winter when most other trees change colors and lose their leaves. That’s why they are called evergreen, because they are always green.

Some examples are pine trees, fir trees, or spruce trees. But when the month of December rolls around, you might be more familiar with these trees being called Christmas trees. In fact, many of you might have a Christmas tree in your home for the holidays. When I was a kid, my family always cut down a real tree and brought it into our living room for the season. These days, we use an artificial Christmas tree instead. One of the things I miss about having a real tree, is the smell.

I think evergreen trees smell wonderful. Have you ever smelled one? If you’ve got one in your house, take a deep breath in through your nose to give it a smell.

I want us to imagine the smell of an evergreen tree as we do a breathing exercise. If you’ve never smelled an evergreen tree, just imagine a fresh woodsy smell, like a walk in the forest. As we breathe, we’ll also trace the shape of a tall, point evergreen. As you breathe in, you’l trace up one  side of the tree to its point. Then hold your breath as you trace slowly down the other side. Finally, breathe out as you trace the ground below the tree. It’s like making a big triangle. Will you try it with me?

Take a deep breath in as you trace up one side of the tree. Hold your breath as you trace down the other side. And breathe out as you trace across the ground, back to where you started. Keep going.

Another deep breath in as you trace up one side. Hold your breath as you trace down the other side. Breathe out as your trace the ground back to where you started. One more breath in as you trace up one side of the tree. Hold it as you trace down the other side. Breathe out as you trace the ground below the tree.

Good job. Now on the count of three let’s all say I like me. 1-2-3. I like me.

I like you too. You are always growing, always learning, and getting better every day.

One of the reasons people love evergreen trees is because they bring life and color to the cold winter, when the sky is grey, and most other trees are bare and boring. Do you ever have days where the world seems cold and dull and boring? You can try using mindfulness to bring warmth and color to your day.

Start by thinking of one thing that makes you feel happy. Maybe it’s a friend, or a favorite outfit, or a game, or a book, or a hug from someone you love. It can be anything that makes you happy. Your choice. This is your happy thought.

Once you’ve thought of something, close your eyes and tune out everything except for your happy thought. Try to focus on every little detail about your thought. Breathe slowly in and out as you think your happy thought. Imagine the thought creates a warm feeling inside you. Let that warmth grow and spread through your entire body. Imagine you are an evergreen tree standing in the middle of a forest full of dull bare branches. But you stand tall and strong, and bright and colorful, thinking your happy thought. 

Stand up if you’re able to. Stretch your head up tall toward the ceiling, imagining yourself as the tallest evergreen in the forest. Feel the wind blowing through your branches as you sway side to side, side to side, sharing your color with the world around you.

Let the warmth of your happy thought spread from your head down to your toes. When the warmth reaches your feet, send it down through your evergreen roots, helping your roots grow strong and sturdy. Any time you need it, you can pull that warm, happy thought up from your roots.

Next time things seem cold and dull and boring, think about your happy thought, and let it make you feel like an evergreen tree bringing life and color to your winter day.

Now let’s say some affirmations. Affirmations are words you can say about yourself to remind yourself how wonderful you are. I’ll say each affirmation twice. So you can listen the first time, then say it together with me the second time. Here we go.

Every day I will learn and grow.

I choose to let my light shine.

I am full of joy.

I am thankful for people who love me.

With every breath I feel stronger.

My ideas bring color to the world.

I get better every single day.

Now let’s take a few slow, deep breaths as we wind down our time together. If any of those affirmations stood out to you, feel free to write them down, or just store them safely in your mind to say when you need it. If you have an affirmation that is special to you, I would love to hear it! If you’d like to send a recording of your favorite affirmation to play on the show, have a grownup check our website or episode notes for more information. 

I’d like to end with a song about a melting snowman. Feel free to sing, dance, or just relax and take deep breaths.

Some days I feel like I’m made of snow

On a cold and snowy morning

Button eyes and a carrot nose, I’m full of winter cheer

Some days I feel like I’m made of snow

Outside during summer

I feel my smile start to melt, and soon it disappears

Sometimes I smile

Sometimes I frown

Sometimes I feel like I’m a puddle on the ground

So when you’re lonely

Or when you’re blue

Just remember I like you

Snow falls, we all melt down sometimes

So take a deep breath and remember it’s alright

Cold wind may blow or the warm sun may shine

When you feel frustrated, you can close your eyes

And picture a snow day with the friends in your life

And soon you’ll feel alright

Some days I feel like I’m made of snow

Melted on the sidewalk

I’m drippy and I’m droopy oh how did I wind up  here

Some days I feel like I’m made of snow

On a cold and snowy morning

Button eyes and a carrot nose, I’m full of winter cheer.

I can’t wait to spend some time together again soon. Until next time, I like you, I’m proud of you, and I’m glad we are friends. Have a happy and peaceful day.

Like You is a production of Perpetual Motion. It is made possible by our subscribers on Patreon and Apple Podcasts. Become a supporter by visiting Patreon.com/likeyoupodcast, or by tapping “subscribe” on our show page in Apple Podcasts. You can also tell your friends about the show or leave a 5 star review wherever you listen to podcasts. Like You is written and hosted by me, Noah Glenn. I also composed and performed the Like You theme music and other music that appeared in the episode. Our podcast cover art was illustrated by Mia Saine. Our episode art is created by Lindsey Glenn. Grownups can find more information about Like You by visiting our website at likeyoupodcast.com. Thanks for listening.