148: A Restful Journey Head to Toe

On this episode we’ll take a journey from head to toe as we relax and prepare for rest. 👤🦶

Episode Notes

Like You is listener supported. You can support the show by subscribing on Apple Podcasts or becoming a patron on Patreon. You can also support the show by shopping in our online store or purchasing songs from the show on our Bandcamp page.

Please send us a voice memo, drawing, or letter at hello@likeyoupodcast.com. We play a voice memos from listeners either at the beginning of an episode or during the affirmation segment of the episode. If your child wants to be included, record a voice memo and send it to us. Your child can introduce themself and then say a favorite affirmation, sing a line from a Like You song, say what they like about the show, or share whatever they feel! Keep it short (10-20 seconds). For more info on how to record and send a voice memo, see this post, or click here.

Like You is a production of Perpetual Motion. The show is written and produced by Noah Glenn. The show’s artwork was illustrated by Mia Saine. Episode art is created by Lindsey Glenn.

This episode features original music by Noah Glenn. 

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Hey everyone! Thanks for listening to Like You. If you want to help us keep making new episodes, you can support the podcast by subscribing through Patreon or Apple Podcasts. A subscription gives you access to special bonus content, like affirmation minis, song downloads, and other special perks. Grownups can find more information in our episode notes, or on our website. You can also show your love by leaving a five star review wherever you listen to the podcast. I’m glad you’re my podcast friend, now let’s get on with the show.

[intro music]

Noah: Hello! I’m Noah and this is Like You: Mindfulness for Kids. I’m very glad you’re here. On this episode we’ll take a journey from head to toe as we relax and prepare for rest. So listeners of all ages, find a place to listen where you feel comfortable and safe. As I ask questions and invite you to say affirmations, you’re welcome to speak out loud, or as always, you can just think your responses quietly in your mind.

We’re going to begin with a breathing exercise to prepare for our journey and focus your mind. This restful journey will help us learn to relax, so the breathing exercise has two steps. First, suck in a quick deep breath as you flex every muscle in your body. Hold that for a second. Then slowly and gently breathe a long breath out as you relax every part of your body as much as you can. Now that you know what to do, let’s do it a few times in a row. Here we go. 

Breathe in quickly and flex your whole body. Hold it for a moment. Then slowly breathe out and relax. Another quick breath in as you flex. Hold it. And relax as you breathe slowly out. Take another deep breath in, squeezing your whole body tight as you hold for a second. Then a loooong breath out as let your body go loose. Good job. You can stay loose and relaxed.

Now on the count of three let’s all say I like me. 1-2-3. I like me.

I like you too. You are loved, and you’re more than enough, exactly as you are.

Now let’s begin our journey. This journey involves your whole body, as well as your mind. And it’s a journey you can take every night as you prepare for bed, or any time you want to rest and relax. If you’re able to lay down, go ahead and do that now. It doesn’t matter if you’re lying in your comfy bed, on a couch, or just on the floor. We’re going to use our imagination, so close your eyes to help you focus.

Imagine that your body is large piece of land, full of mountains, hills, valleys and fields. Let your arms lie still at your sides. Slide your feet closer to your body, bending your knees like two big mountain peaks. Slow your breath and try to lie as still as the ground. 

Now imagine there’s another you. A tiny you. Imagine you have shrunk down so small that that you’re no bigger than you littlest finger. This tiny version of you is going to take a journey across your body, starting from your head and working all the way down to your toes. As you make this journey, you’ll focus on letting each part of your body relax as you pass by.

Are you ready? Let the journey begin.

You start off standing on the top of your head. Your hair spreads out around you in every direction. You take a few tiny steps and find yourself on your forehead. Take a deep breath and whisper “ssssshhhhhhh” as you let your head relax. Good. Let’s move on. Now you trek across your face, climbing up and over your nose, being careful not to fall down into the deep cave of your mouth, until you finally reach your chin. Take another deep breath, then step out over the edge of your chin, and slide down your neck, landing on your chest.

Stop there and look around. Look back at the cliff of your chin behind you, look back at your head, which is still nice and relaxed. Now turn back to your chest. Take a deep breath and whisper a long “ssshhhh” as you relax your chest and your shoulders. Good.

Now let’s continue on the journey. Walk slowly across your chest. You can feel it gently moving up and down as you breathe deep. But even though it’s moving with your breath, it still feels solid and firm… until you reach your stomach.

Now the ground beneath your feet becomes squishy and a little bouncy. Keep taking deep breaths as you ride your belly up and down with each breath in and out. Now walk slowly until you reach your belly button. Then take a deep breath and whisper “ssshhhh” as you let your stomach relax. Now turn your head side to side, watching your arms that lie at your sides. Whisper another “sssshhhh” as you let your arms relax. Turning to look back, you see your relaxed chest, and in the distance, your relaxed head.

Now continue your journey. Walk down past your belly. When you reach your waist, you have a choice to make. Are you going to walk down your left leg or your right leg? Make your pick, and then continue your journey. Your knees are still bent like mountain peaks, so you’ll have to climb bravely to the very top. When you reach your knee, stop and take a look around. Enjoy the view, and appreciate how far you’ve come. Look back at your stomach, relaxed as it breathes deep and slow. Beyond that, you see your comfy chest, and your head, still loose and relaxed. Now take a deep breath, and whisper “ssssshhhhhhh” as you let your legs relax too. Lower your knees so your legs are flat.

Now you can keep walking down your leg until you reach your foot. Your toes are pointing straight up in the air, making this your steepest climb yet in order to complete your journey. But you are brave and strong, so it’s not a problem for you. You climb straight up your foot until you’re standing on your big toe. Take another deep breath and whisper “ssshhhh” as you let your feet and toes get loose and relaxed. Look back at your whole body, relaxed and breathing slow, preparing for rest. You’ve made the journey head to toe, helping your body relax all along the way.

You can try this exercise next time you’re having trouble falling asleep. If you’re still awake by the time you reach your toes, you can turn around and make the slow and restful journey back to your head. Repeat the journey as many times as needed until you drift off into a restful slumber.

Now it’s time for affirmations. Affirmations are words you can say about yourself to remind yourself how wonderful you are. I’ll say each affirmation twice. So you can listen the first time, then say it together with me the second time. Here we go.

I am calm and peaceful.

I am grateful for this moment.

My heart is happy and relaxed.

I deserve good things.

I choose to let go of my frustrations.

I believe in myself.

I will dream big dreams tonight.

Now let’s take a few slow, deep breaths as we wind down our time together. If any of those affirmations stood out to you, feel free to write them down, or just store them safely in your mind to say when you need it. If you have an affirmation that is special to you, I would love to hear it! If you’d like to send a recording of your favorite affirmation to play on the show, have a grownup check our website or episode notes for more information. 

Now let’s end this episode with a song. This is a restful song about dreams. Feel free to practice relaxing as you journey head to toe, or if it’s bedtime, let yourself fall asleep and have happy dreams.

Happy dreams

Happy dreams

Happy dreams

Happy dreams

This day was good

This day is done

Tomorrow is another one

So close your eyes

And breathe in deep

It’s time for you to get some sleep

Happy dreams

Happy dreams

Happy dreams

Happy dreams

The sun is down

The stars shine bright

It’s time for us to say goodnight

Happy dreams

Happy dreams

Let every worry go

Relax from head to toe

You’re breathing deep and slow

Relax from head to toe

Happy dreams

Happy dreams

I can’t wait to spend some time together again soon. Until next time, I like you, I’m proud of you, and I’m glad we are friends. Have a happy and peaceful day.

Like You is a production of Perpetual Motion. It is made possible by our subscribers on Patreon and Apple Podcasts. Become a supporter by visiting Patreon.com/likeyoupodcast, or by tapping “subscribe” on our show page in Apple Podcasts. You can also tell your friends about the show or leave a 5 star review wherever you listen to podcasts. Like You is written and hosted by me, Noah Glenn. I also composed and performed the Like You theme music and other music that appeared in the episode. Our podcast cover art was illustrated by Mia Saine. Our episode art is created by Lindsey Glenn. Grownups can find more information about Like You by visiting our website at likeyoupodcast.com. Thanks for listening.