152: Changing Like the Leaves

🍁 On this episode we’ll learn how change can be a beautiful thing, as we imagine a forest of trees with their leaves changing colors.

Episode Notes

Like You is listener supported. You can support the show by subscribing on ⁠⁠Apple Podcasts⁠⁠, ⁠Spotify⁠, or ⁠⁠Patreon⁠⁠. You can also support the show by shopping in ⁠⁠our online store⁠⁠ or purchasing songs from the show on ⁠⁠our Bandcamp page⁠⁠.

Please send us a voice memo, drawing, or letter at ⁠⁠hello@likeyoupodcast.com⁠⁠. We play a voice memos from listeners either at the beginning of an episode or during the affirmation segment of the episode. If your child wants to be included, record a voice memo and send it to us. Your child can introduce themself and then say a favorite affirmation, sing a line from a Like You song, say what they like about the show, or share whatever they feel! Keep it short (10-20 seconds). For more info on how to record and send a voice memo, see ⁠⁠this post⁠⁠, or ⁠⁠click here⁠⁠.

Like You is a production of ⁠⁠Perpetual Motion⁠⁠. The show is written and produced by Noah Glenn. The show’s artwork was illustrated by ⁠⁠Mia Saine⁠⁠. Episode art is created by ⁠⁠Lindsey Glenn⁠⁠.

This episode features original music by Noah Glenn. 

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The music of Like You is now streaming through your favorite music services like Apple Music and Spotify. Now you can dance or sing along with your favorite songs any time! Just search for album title Music from Like You: Mindfulness for Kids, or find links on the music page of our website, likeyoupodcast.com. Also, if you want to help us keep making new podcast episodes, you can support the show by subscribing through Patreon or Apple Podcasts, or leaving a 5 star review wherever you listen to podcasts. Grownups can find more information in our episode notes, or on our website. Now let’s start the show.

[intro music]

Noah: Hello! I’m Noah and this is Like You: Mindfulness for Kids. I want to start with a shoutout to one of our supporters on Patreon. Thank you to Ellie in Oregon for being a podcast friend! On this episode we’ll learn how change can be a beautiful thing, as we imagine a forest of trees with their leaves changing colors. So listeners of all ages, find a place to listen where you feel comfortable and safe. As I ask questions and invite you to say affirmations, you’re welcome to speak out loud, or as always, you can just think your responses quietly in your mind.

Let’s start with a breathing exercise to help relax your body and focus your mind. Close your eyes and imagine a forest full of green trees. Now imagine your breath as a warm breeze blowing through the trees. Take a deep breath in 1-2-3. Then slowly blow your breeze through the trees 1-2-3. We’ll do this a few more times. Each time you breathe out, imagine the tree branches rustling and swaying as your breath passes through their green leaves like the wind. Here we go. Breathe in deep 1-2-3. And blow your breeze 1-2-3. Deep breath in 1-2-3. And blow through the trees 1-2-3. Deep breath in 1-2-3. Then watch the leaves rustle as you blow out 1-2-3. Deep breath in 1-2-3. And blow like the breeze 1-2-3.

Now, on the count of three let’s all say I like me. 1-2-3. I like me.

I like you too. No matter how you grow and change throughout your life, you’ll always still be wonderful you.

Fall is a time of change. The weather changes as the temperature drops, the leaves change color. There may also be changes in your routine as you adjust to a new school year. And of course we’re always experiencing our own personal changes as we grow, learn new things, and try new activities. Some changes are small – so small you barely notice them. And other changes are big – so big they are hard to ignore. Have there been any big changes in your life recently?

When things change, it can feel uncomfortable. It may be hard to let old things go, and scary to experience something new. It may even feel overwhelming. But change can also be exciting. It brings newness, which can hold lots of wonderful, hopeful possibilities. Change can be beautiful. In fact it is one of the reasons that fall is my favorite time of year. 

So let’s look for the beauty in changes as we visualize a forest full of trees changing their color.

With your eyes closed, let’s go back to that forest we imagined during the breathing exercise. Imagine yourself walking through the forest on a late summer day. Look around at the tall trees with their bright green leaves. The warm breeze blows through their branches and the trunks slowly sway back and forth. Take a deep breath and imagine the smell of the warm air, and the green leaves. Below your feet, wild green grass grows. As you look up, you can count each individual leaf on the trees. Beyond the trees you can see a bright blue sky, and the warm sun beating down, giving the trees the light they need to grow and thrive.

Take a deep breath. The forest is beautiful just the way it is right now: green, healthy, and full of life.

Now let’s imagine a change. The wind grows cooler. Imagine a cool, chilly breeze whistling through the branches of the trees. The trees sway. The leaves rustle. And slowly, slowly the leaves begin to change. If you’re not watching closely, you may not even notice that a change is happening. Sometimes you don’t notice a change until you’re looking back. But right now you are paying attention, and watching closely to observe the change. Looking up at the trees, I want you to pick a single leaf to look at. Watch as it wiggles in the breeze. Now imagine its deep green color start to fade. Slowly the green becomes lighter and lighter. Soon the green fades completely as the leaf turns yellow. Keep watching as the yellow becomes a beautiful golden color, and then shift even further until it is orange. It looks beautiful. It’s hard to believe this is the same green leaf we started with. But it is. Only the color has changed.

Now turn your attention from this one single leaf, back to the forest all around. What was once a forest of green trees is now a rainbow of different colors. Some leaves are yellow, orange, or red. Some leaves look almost purple. Others are beginning to turn brown. And then there are a few evergreen trees – trees that remain green year round. Taking in all the different color trees is dazzling. It is amazing to think about all those thousands of leaves, each changing at their own pace and in their own way. All these different leaves come together to make a beautiful change.

Just like these trees, you and your friends, and everyone you know is changing. We all change in our own ways, at our own pace. But it’s also important to remember that no matter how you change, you’re still you deep inside. A tree may change its leaves, but its trunk remains stable and its roots dig down deep, keeping it firmly planted. It can be reassuring to know that even though things change, there are always some things that remain the same. I hope this thought comforts you and helps you to see the beauty in change.

Now it’s time for affirmations. Affirmations are words you can say about yourself to remind yourself how wonderful you are. I’ll say each affirmation twice. So you can listen the first time, then say it together with me the second time. Here we go.

I like who I am and who I’m becoming.

I have the power to create change.

I search for goodness in the people I meet.

I inhale confidence and exhale doubt.

No matter how hard it is, I can do it.

I feel calm and peaceful.

Now let’s take a few slow, deep breaths as we wind down our time together. If any of those affirmations stood out to you, feel free to write them down, or just store them safely in your mind to say when you need it. If you have an affirmation that is special to you, I would love to hear it! If you’d like to send a recording of your favorite affirmation to play on the show, have a grownup check our website or episode notes for more information. 

Now let’s end this episode with a song. Feel free to sing, dance, or relax and breathe deep as I sing.

I like me

I like me

I grow and change, but stay the same

I am always me

What has been, has been

What will be, will be

I am right here, right now

I like me

Once I was a baby

When I’m grown, who will I be?

It grows from who I am today and

I like me

I like me

I like me

I grow and change, but stay the same

I am always me

I am who I was

I am who I will be

I am always who I am

and I like me

I don’t remember everything

I can’t guess what will be

But I know who I am right now

And I like me

I like me

I like me

I grow and change, but stay the same

I am always me

I can’t wait to spend some time together again soon. Until next time, I like you, I’m proud of you, and I’m glad we are friends. Have a happy and peaceful day.

Like You is a production of Perpetual Motion. It is made possible by our subscribers on Patreon and Apple Podcasts. Become a supporter by visiting Patreon.com/likeyoupodcast, or by tapping “subscribe” on our show page in Apple Podcasts. You can also tell your friends about the show or leave a 5 star review wherever you listen to podcasts. Like You is written and hosted by me, Noah Glenn. I also composed and performed the Like You theme music and other music that appeared in the episode. Our podcast cover art was illustrated by Mia Saine. Our episode art is created by Lindsey Glenn. Grownups can find more information about Like You by visiting our website at likeyoupodcast.com. Thanks for listening.