Today we’ll imagine being candles. We’ll light our flame to dance and wiggle, and then we’ll melt like drippy candle wax.

Show Notes

Like You is listener supported. Learn how you can support the show by becoming a patron on Patreon.

Please send us a voice memo, drawing, or letter at We play a voice memo from a listener at the beginning of most episodes. If your child wants to be included, record a voice memo on your phone and email it to us. Your child can introduce themself and then say a favorite affirmation, sing a line from a Like You song, say what they like about the show, or share whatever they feel! Keep it short (10-20 seconds), send it to our email, and then wait patiently. It is our goal to share every recording eventually!

Like You is written and produced by Noah Glenn. The show’s artwork was illustrated by Mia Saine. Episode art is created by Lindsey Glenn.

This episode features original music by Noah Glenn, as well as additional music by Kyle Preston and Skygaze.

This episode’s affirmations were read by Eso Tolson.

Find Like You online at

This podcast is designed for kids, but our social media feeds are geared toward their parents. So grown-ups, give us a follow:


Noah: Hello! I’m Noah and this is Like You, a mindfulness podcast for kids. I’m glad you’re here! Today we’ll pretend to be candles. We’ll light our flame and watch it dance and wiggle, and we’ll melt like candle wax that drips so patiently.  But first, a quick word for the grownups. Like You is listener supported, so if you’d like to help us continue making new episodes, join us at We also appreciate it when you help others find our show by telling your friends, or writing a review on Apple podcasts.

Now, we’re ready to start the podcast, so find a place to listen where you feel comfortable and safe. You’re invited to be a part of the podcast as you listen. You can speak out loud as you answer my questions, and repeat affirmations. Of course, if you’d rather just say things quietly in your head, that’s ok too. 
Let’s take a few deep breaths to get started. One of my favorite deep breaths is pretending to blow out a candle. Hold up one finger in front of your face. Now imagine your finger is a candle flame. You can wiggle it all around like a flickering flame. First we’re going to blow very very softly. Imagine blowing so softly that your breath doesn’t blow the candle out. Your candle flame keeps dancing. Take a long breath in. Now slowly, softly blow on your candle without blowing it out. Great job. Now let’s blow a little harder so we can blow the candle out. Take another deep breath as you let your candle finger wiggle around. Once you’ve got your deep breath in, blow out your candle, slowly putting your finger down as you blow. Let’s do that again. Light your candle. Deep breath in. And blow your candle out. Now we’ll blow out candles one last time, but this time, we’ll imagine birthday candles. Hold up how ever many fingers are equal to your age. If you’re five or younger, you’ll use one hand. If you’re 6-10, you’ll need two hands. If you’re a grownup listening along… well you’ll really have to use your imagination here. So put your fingers up like birthday candles. Let them wiggle and dance. As you watch your birthday candles, take a few moments to think about a wish. Anything you’d like. Now, It’s going to take a big breath to blow all these candles out. So take your longest, deepest breath in… and blow all your candles out.

Now, on the count of three, we’ll say “I like me.” 1, 2, 3 “I like me!”

I like you too! When I blew out my candles, I wished for more wonderful friends like you, and that all of our futures would be bright.

Now we’re going to do some more imagining. We’re still imagining candles, but this time I want to get active and get our whole bodies involved. If you’re able to sit and stand I’m going to have you get up and down for this exercise. If you need to stay seated, that’s fine too. You can move your body in whatever way you’re able or even simply imagine the motions in your head.

Let’s start with darkness. Sit still, close your eyes, and spend a few seconds in silence imagining that you are an unlit candle sitting in the dark. Now let’s light our candle. This time it’s not just your finger. Your whole body can be a candle. Stand up, open your eyes, and wiggle and dance like a candle flame. Imagine you are a candle flame bringing light into the darkness. Spend a moment wiggling, dancing, smiling, and imagining the light you make.

Now when I say “lights out” you’ll sit back down, close your eyes, and imagine it is dark again. 1, 2, 3 lights out! Now we’re sitting still in the dark. Take a few breaths and picture dark silence all around.

Now light your candle again. Open your eyes, hop up, and wiggle and dance like a flickering candle flame. Light up the room around you!

Remember what to do when I say lights out? Sit back down and close your eyes. But not quite yet. Get all those flickering flame dance moves out! Okay, 1, 2, 3, lights out!

Let’s do one last candle exercise. No wiggles this time. I want you to sit or stand up as straight as you can, imagining you are a tall candle. Imagine your head is a small candle flame. Imagine the warmth of the flame. What does a candle do when it feels the heat of a flame? Well, a candle is made of wax, and when wax get hot, it slowly melts. We’re going to imagine that we are slowly slowly melting. As we melt we’ll relax from top to bottom. Start with your shoulders. Relax them like they are beginning to melt. Then move down your arms, melting and relaxing. Next is your stomach; imagine it melting and relaxing. Then your legs slowly drip and droop and you let them relax. Now your whole body is relaxed like drippy melty candle wax. Take one more deep breath and let out a relaxed sigh.

Now let’s say some affirmations. Affirmations are simple phrases you can say about yourself to help you remember how wonderful you are. Here’s my friend Eso to lead you in saying a few.

Eso: It’s me, Eso! Let’s say some affirmations. Listen once, then repeat it with me.

There is no one better to be than myself.

I am beautiful inside and out.

I have courage and confidence.

I am full of joy.

My positive thoughts create positive feelings.

I am open and ready to learn.

Noah: Thank you Eso! Now let’s smile and take a few slow deep breaths as we wind down our time together.

I can’t wait to spend some time together again soon! Until next time, I like you, I’m proud of you, and I’m glad we are friends. Have a happy and peaceful day.

Like You is written and produced by me, Noah Glenn. I also composed and performed the Like You theme music and other music featured on the podcast. Additional music for this episode came from Kyle Preston and Skygaze. Today’s affirmations came from Eso Tolson. The podcast cover art was illustrated by Mia Saine, and our episode art is created by Lindsey Glenn. To all the grown-ups listening, please consider supporting this podcast by visiting Joining our Patreon group gives you early access to every episode plus other special perks. If you’re unable to offer financial support, you can still show us some love by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts, and by telling your friends about the show. You can find show notes on our website, You can also send us voice memos, drawings and pictures by emailing Be sure to follow us on instagram, Facebook, and twitter @likeyoupod. Thanks for listening!