If you know how to listen, your body has a lot to tell you.

Show Notes

Learn how you can support the show by visiting our page on Patreon. Special thanks for support of Episode 7 goes to Stephen Hackett!

Like You is written and produced by Noah Glenn. The show’s artwork was illustrated by Mia Saine. Our social media feeds are managed by Noah and Lindsey Glenn.

This episode features original music by Noah Glenn, as well as additional music by IMAKEMADBEATS and Skygaze.

Find Like You online at likeyoupodcast.com.

This podcast is designed for kids, but our social media feeds are geared toward their parents. So grown-ups, give us a follow:


Hello! My name is Noah, and this is Like You, a mindfulness podcast for kids. Welcome! This podcast wouldn’t be possible without our listeners. Grownups, visit patreon.com/likeyoupodcast to help us continue making weekly episodes. On today’s episode we’ll be learning to listen to our bodies. Find a place to listen where you feel comfortable and safe. Sometimes we close our eyes and use our imagination. Other times times I may ask you to say something out loud. If you’re in a quiet place or just feel like being quiet, you can say those things inside your head instead.

First things first! We’re going to clear our heads and focus. Today we’re going to do that by quickly taking note of all 5 of our senses. That means what we see, hear, touch taste, and smell. I’m going to ask you a few questions. Respond out loud or in your head with the first thing you notice. 

What is one thing you can hear right now? I mean besides my voice talking to you and the music from the podcast. I’ll turn down the music and be quiet for a few seconds so you can focus on each of your senses as I ask about them. I’ll ask that first question again. What’s one thing you can hear right now?

Now look around. What is one thing you can see right now?

Next breathe through your nose. What do you smell?

What is something nearby that you can touch? Is it soft, hard, smooth, or rough?

I’ve asked you about 4 of your senses so far. What you hear, see, smell, and feel. There’s only one sense left. The sense of taste. And unless you’re eating a snack right now, you may not really be tasting anything, so we’ll skip that one.

Great! Now let’s take a deep breath in 123 and out 123.

Now together on the count of three we’re going to say “I like me.” Here we go. 1, 2, 3 “I like me!”

Okay, let’s get started. Today we’re listening to our bodies. If you listened to the last episode you may remember how we relaxed each part of our bodies one at a time. We’re going to do something similar this time. If you didn’t hear the last episode that’s fine. You can listen to it another time.

This time we’re not going to relax each part of our body. Instead we will check in to see if our body is saying anything to us. I don’t mean that your nose is going to start talking! I just mean that if we focus on our body it can communicate with us in other ways. You’ll see what I mean. 

First let’s just check in head to toe. Touch your head. Now say “this is my head, and it belongs to me.”

Touch your hair. And say “this is my hair, and it belongs to me.”

Put your hands together, so they are touching each other. Say “these are my hands, and they belong to me.”

Now wrap your arms around yourself and give yourself a big hug and say “this is my body, and it belongs to me.”

Now let’s go down you your toes. Wiggle your toes up and down. While they wiggle say “these are my toes, and they belong to me.”

Remember each part of your body belongs to you and no one else. And you can control your own body and what it does. You can make your feet walk, or your hands clap. You can make your mouth speak or sing. You can make your eyes open or close. You’re the only one who has control over your body. And you’re the only one who can know what your body is telling you. Are you wondering how your body can tell you things?

Well, let’s start with your eyes. Are your eyes telling you anything right now? They might be telling you that it is bright, or that it is dark. Or if you can barely keep them open, maybe your eyes are telling you that you are sleepy. Just check in with your eyes and see if they have anything to tell you.

What about your nose? Is your nose telling you anything? Maybe you smell some food and your nose might be saying it’s almost time for dinner! Maybe you smell something stinky. If the stinky smell is you, it might be time for a bath. If there’s a stinky smell in the garbage can, that mean your nose it telling you to stay away from the trash.

Your ears tell you lots of things. If you listen and pay attention you’ll hear all sorts of things. When you’re out for a walk they will help you know if there is a car driving nearby or a bird singing in a tree.

So you see, your body has many ways of telling you things. What could your tummy tell you? Listen to it now. Does it feel hungry? Or does it feel full? What other things can your body tell you?

Now you know that you can listen to the things your body tells you. So practice paying attention to what it has to say. While you listen to this music, see if your body is telling you anything .

I breathe in
I breathe out
I wander head to toe
And I check things out

Now it’s time to repeat some affirmations. Remember, affirmations are short sentences that help you feel good about yourself. Even after this podcast is over, you can think about these affirmations any time you need something to cheer you up or give you some confidence. I’ll say each affirmation twice. The first time you can listen. The second time you can repeat it out loud or in your head. Repeat after me:

I like me. *

There is no one better to be than myself. *

I am in control of my body. *

I believe in myself. *

Now smile, and take a few slow, deep breathes as we wind down our time together.

I can’t wait to spend some time together again soon! On the next episode, we’re going to explore our feelings by pretending to be different types of animals. Until then, I like you, I’m proud of you, and I’m glad we are friends. Have a happy and peaceful day.

Like You is written and produced by me, Noah Glenn. I also composed and performed the Like You theme music, as well as the original song, “Head to Toe”. The podcast artwork was illustrated by Mia Saine. This episode features additional music by Skygaze and IMAKEMADBEATS. A quick word for the grown-ups: we could really use your support to keep this podcast going. Please consider becoming a patron by visiting patreon.com/likeyoupodcast. You can also help others find the show by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. Don’t forget to subscribe, and be sure to help us spread the word by telling your friends about the show. Learn more about us on our website, likeyoupodcast.com and be sure to follow us on instagram facebook, and twitter @likeyoupod. While we make this podcast with kids in mind, our social media accounts are a great place for you parents to connect with us. Our social accounts are managed by me along with my wife, Lindsey Glenn. So come say hello! Thanks for listening!