Today we’re taking about feelings and making funny animal noises.

Show Notes

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Like You is written and produced by Noah Glenn. The show’s artwork was illustrated by Mia Saine. Our social media feeds are managed by Noah and Lindsey Glenn.

This episode features original music by Noah Glenn, as well as additional music by Alon Peretz, Blending Colors, Eyal Raz, IMAKEMADBEATS, and Michael FK.

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This podcast is designed for kids, but our social media feeds are geared toward their parents. So grown-ups, give us a follow:


Hello! My name is Noah, and this is Like You, a mindfulness podcast for kids. Welcome! I’m very glad you’re here. This podcast wouldn’t be possible without our listeners. Grownups, please visit to help us continue making weekly episodes. Today we’ll be talking about feelings, by pretending to be different animals. Find a place to listen where you feel comfortable and safe. Sometimes we close our eyes and use our imagination. Other times times I may ask you to say something out loud. I know that might feel a little silly, but give it a try. Imagine we’re just two friends sitting together; I can talk to you, and you can talk to me! Let’s try that now. I want you to say “well, hi there” Go ahead, I’m listening. * Well, hello to you too!

Now, before we get started, let’s take a minute to clear our heads. First, close your eyes. Now take a deep breath in… and out. Now take another deep breath in… and out. One more deep breath in… and out. Now together we’re going to say “I like me.” On the count of 3. Are you ready? Ok, here we go. 1, 2, 3 “I like me!”

Guess what… I like you too! Now we’re ready to get started. You can keep your eyes closed if you want. Or you can open them now. It’s up to you!

Today we’re talking about all the different ways you can feel. Things like happy, sad, angry, wacky, scared, and excited, and relaxed! Everyone feels these things at different times. Sometimes I feel happy, and sometimes I feel sad. And they are both ok to feel. There is no wrong way to feel.

Let’s imagine a different animal for each of these feelings. We’ll start with a happy bird. Can you make some happy bird noises?

Think about something that makes you really really happy. Maybe it is playing with a friend, or reading a book. Listening to music, or going to the park. Think about that happy thing and then say TWWEEEET and as you say it make a huge smile. TWWEEEEEEET!

Ok, next animal. We’re going to pretend to be a sad cow. MOOOOOO. MOO HOO HOO HOOOOO. Can you make some sad cow noises too?

You might feel sad when you miss someone you love, or if you lose your favorite toy. What would make a cow feel sad? Well cows like to eat grass, so maybe all the green grass turned brown and that made our cow sad.  Make a frowning face and let out a long Mooooooooooooo. It’s ok to feel sad sometimes. We all do it. But remember that you won’t always feel that way. Try think about happy things and soon you’ll feel happy again.

Alright. Now let’s try being an angry bear. GGRRRRRRRR GRRRRRRRRRR. Make an angry bear face and growl with me. GRRRRRRRRRR *

How do you feel when you’re angry? You might get angry if someone doesn’t want to share, or if you see someone being mean to one of your friends. When I get angry, I feel kind of wild on the inside, like a bear. Make another angry bear face and growl with me. GGRRRRRRR.

Oh my, that growling scared me! Why don’t we do scared next? Let’s pretend to be a scared duck. QUAAACK! QUAAACK!

A lot of times I feel scared when I don’t know what’s going to happen. It can make my tummy feel like it’s tied up in knots. It’s similar to feeling worried. When I feel scared or worried, I think about how I won’t always feel this way, and I know that the feeling will pass and I’ll feel better again. So let’s be a scared duck again, but then little by little turn back into a happy duck. QUACK QUACKK QUACK… 

Ok. Feeling better now. Let’s shake out all those feelings and get a little silly. Let’s pretend to be a silly monkey. OOOO OOO AAAH OO OOOO O O O AAHHHHH. When we’re silly it feels fun and exciting, like we’re full of lots of energy! Help me make some silly monkey sounds. OO OO AH AH OOO AHHHH. 

Wow, that was fun. But now we’re going to switch gears and calm down a bit. —-We’ll pretend we are a relaxed turtle. Ok, take a deep breath. And relax. Now make a turtle sound. *

Wait. What sound does a turtle make? I’m not sure I’ve ever heard a turtle sound before. We’ll be quiet turtles. We’ll move very slowly like turtles. Ok, take a moment to imagine you are a turtle. Try blinking your eyes as slooooooowly as you can. Now close your eyes, and picture a turtle. Loosen up and relax your turtle neck. Move your turtle head slowly side to side. Now slowly wiggle your turtle arms and legs. Now take a deep turtle breath and fill up your shell with air. And let the air out with a long aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Ok, we’re feeling relaxed. Let’s stay relaxed, but we’ll stop being a turtle. Now just be you again. It’s fun to pretend, but no matter what you do, you’ll always still be you. And that’s a wonderful thing to be. Give yourself a hug. I like you just the way you are. And a lot of other people like you too. Think about the people in your life that make you feel good about yourself. Those people like you, and I like you too.

While you’re thinking about those people who love you it’s good to remember that they have all sorts of feelings too. Your friends and family can feel happy sometimes, and scared other times. They can feel silly, and they can also feel sad. When your family or friends feel sad, you may be able to cheer them up with kind words. Listen to this music and take a few moments to think about kind things you could do for the people you love.

Now I’m going to ask you to repeat a few phrases after me. These are called affirmations. They are short sentences that help you feel good about yourself. Even after this podcast is over, you can think about these affirmations any time you need something to cheer you up or give you some confidence. Here we go. Remember, you can say these out loud or in your own head. Repeat after me:

I like me. *

I am loved. *

I have courage and confidence. *

There is no one better to be than myself. *

I can control my own happiness . *

I am proud of myself. *

Now smile, and take a few slow, deep breathes as we wind down our time together.

I can’t wait to spend some time together again soon! On the next podcast, I’m going to teach you how to give yourself a present. Until next time, I like you, I’m proud of you, and I’m glad we are friends. Have a happy and peaceful day.

Like You is written and produced by me, Noah Glenn. I also composed and performed the Like You theme music. The podcast artwork was illustrated by Mia Saine. This episode features additional music by Alon Peretz, Blending Colors, Eyal Raz, IMAKEMADBEATS, and Michael FK. A quick word for the grown-ups: we could really use your support to keep this podcast going. Please consider becoming a patron by visiting You can also help others find the show by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. Don’t forget to subscribe, and be sure to help us spread the word by telling your friends about the show. Learn more about us on our website, and be sure to follow us on instagram facebook, and twitter @likeyoupod. While we make this podcast with kids in mind, our social media accounts are a great place for you parents to connect with us. Our social accounts are managed by me along with my wife, Lindsey Glenn. So come say hello! Thanks for listening!